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Canadian coalition calls for reinstatement of Honduran President

July 8, 2009

The President of the United States, the governments of countries throughout the Americas, the Organization of American States, the United Nations General Assembly and the European Union have all called for the restoration of democracy in Honduras following the military coup which ousted the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya on June 28th. The response from the Canadian government, however, has been tepid at best. Canada stands virtually alone in refusing to call for the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras.

Honduran troops block protesters

Common Frontiers, a multi-sectoral network of Canadian labour, human rights, environment, student, church, international development, and other social justice organizations (including MSN), has published an open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Common Frontiers is demanding that Canada, amongst other things, break diplomatic relations with the de facto, military-backed government of Honduras, close the Canadian business office in the country, remove Ambassadorial representation from Costa Rica, request that the current Honduran Ambassador to Canada leave the country, and exclude Honduran military from Canada’s Military Training Assistance Programme until democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya is unconditionally reinstated to his post.


  • View photos from popular pro-democracy demonstrations in Honduras

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