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WELCOME TO THE ARCHIVE (1994-2014) OF THE MAQUILA SOLIDARITY NETWORK. For current information on our ongoing work on the living wage, women's labour rights, freedom of association, corporate accountability and Bangladesh fire and safety, please visit our new website, launched in October, 2015:

Facilitating South / South Exchange - 2013 Highlights

May 9, 2014

MSN promotes exchange and collaboration among our Southern partners through information exchange, workshops and multi-stakeholder forums.

Poverty Wages in Central America

  • In October, MSN and four of our partners in Central America – Guatemalan Commission for the Verification of Codes of Conduct (COVERCO), Independent Monitoring Team of Honduras (EMIH), Professionals for Corporate Social Auditing (PASE) of Nicaragua, and labour rights expert Sergio Chávez of El Salvador – released a joint research study on wages and the cost of living for maquila workers in the four countries.

Entitled Una aproximación al salario de vida en el sector maquila en Centroamerica, the study has already been recognized by trade union and women's organizations in the region as a useful tool for engaging with their national apparel industries and governments, particularly around tripartite minimum wage negotiations, as well as negotaitions at the workplace level. The study was launched at public forums in Honduras and Nicaragua where the issue of wages and wage competition globally and regionally was a central component of discussion. The objective of these presentations is to spark dicussion on a regional collaborative strategy to improve wages in the maquila garment sector.

Previous 2013 Highlights: Strengthening Southern Voices

Next 2013 Highlights: Advocacy


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