For current information on our ongoing work on the living wage, women's labour rights, freedom of association, corporate accountability and Bangladesh fire and safety, please visit our new website, launched in October, 2015: www.maquilasolidarity.org
Engagement - 2010 Highlights
June 6, 2011
MSN works at the international level to identify and promote industry-wide solutions to systemic problems and to promote both voluntary and regulatory approaches to reverse the "race to the bottom."

- Throughout 2010, MSN worked with Red Puentes Mexico (RP Mexico) on the production of a series of assessments of CSR reports of key Mexican companies. MSN took responsibility for the assessment of Wal-Mart de Mexico (Walmex). The resulting report, which was released in Spanish and English in early December, made several recommendations to Walmex on improving their social and environmental policies, practices, and public reporting. MSN will be following up with Walmex in 2011.

- In 2010, MSN developed a detailed Auditing Checklist for brands to audit for protection contracts and other barriers to freedom of association in Mexico. We have now published a kit of four resource materials on how to ensure respect for freedom of association in Mexican supplier factories. MSN has been engaging with eight international apparel and sportswear brands on these proposals in the MFAF Mexico Committee, a multi-stakeholder group which MSN chairs.