For current information on our ongoing work on the living wage, women's labour rights, freedom of association, corporate accountability and Bangladesh fire and safety, please visit our new website, launched in October, 2015: www.maquilasolidarity.org
Facilitating South / South Exchange - 2010 Highlights
June 6, 2011
MSN promotes exchange and collaboration among our Southern partners through information exchange, workshops and multi-stakeholder forums.
On March 7, MSN co-sponsored the 12th Annual Colloquium of the Nicaraguan Movement of Working and Unemployed Women, Maria Elena Cuadra (MEC), the largest gathering of maquila workers in Central America, with over 1,000 workers in attendance (see article 2, MSN Update 15.1).
- In March, MSN and the Independent Monitoring Team of Honduras (EMIH) organized a four-day exchange program for two of our Mexican partners, Colectivo Obreras Insumisas
and CEREAL (a leading Mexican labour rights organization active in the electronics sector) in San Pedro Sula. The exchange provided women's labour rights groups in Honduras and Mexico an opportunity to dialogue on key challenges and advances in worker organizing.
- In November, MSN co-sponsored a regional seminar in El Salvador which brought together representatives from women's labour rights groups from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador in order to discuss precarious employment in various sectors including garment, electronics, auto, and agro-export.

- In October, MSN facilitated a week-long exchange program for a delegation of seven Korean women labour activists to Nicaragua. The delegation, which included representation from three Korean women's labour rights organizations spent the week in Managua learning about MEC's organizing and lobby methods (see article 5, MSN Update 15.3).