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WELCOME TO THE ARCHIVE (1994-2014) OF THE MAQUILA SOLIDARITY NETWORK. For current information on our ongoing work on the living wage, women's labour rights, freedom of association, corporate accountability and Bangladesh fire and safety, please visit our new website, launched in October, 2015:

Questions about companies

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What is a company code of conduct?

Click here

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The information posted on your website dates back a few years. Where can I find recent information on a specific company? How can I find out what happened since your latest campaign?

You can search our site by company name using our search engine. We try to put a publication date on every item on our website so that you will know how current the information is. During a campaign, we keep updated information on the situation available on our site. However, when we are no longer involved in a particular campaign, we may not update the information on that particular situation. If you are unable to find recent information on our site, we recommend checking out other labour rights organizations on our links page.

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What is the current stand of Maquila Solidarity Network on Gildan Activewear?

You can read about MSN and Gildan Activewear here.

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What information do you have on Wal-Mart's practices, especially with respect to the working conditions, treatment, etc. of its workers who make its goods?

You can read material on Wal-Mart's practices here.

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I have a small business and I am looking to outsource to Mexico. I care about working conditions. Can you put me in touch with a manufacturing facility that respects labour standards?

Unfortunately we cannot refer buyers to any specific factories.

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